Sunday, December 10, 2006


I thought this to be fitting...

I wouldn't really do this but I feel it is holding me back in my studies. I can't very well be seen as a good student if I keep all the answers to myself.

I don't socialize. Typically as a rule, it is against my nature. I prefer solitude to masses anyday however, yesterday I realized how vital this...socializing can be for some. I will explain.

My friend has been having emotional troubles. She currently needs support from all angles just to stand. She cannot stand on her own. I used to think that pathetic. I still do, to some extent yet I can't just let her fall. So I'll let her lean on me. Help her along the path she's afraid to walk alone.


However, I do believe one should try and stand on one's own. I do. I stand alone and I stand solidly.

Perhaps some bright minds are still out there.

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